Tastiest Pancake Recipe

🥞 P A N C A K E  T U E S D A Y 🥞

This recipe from BBC Good Food works every time and so simple to remember - 100g plain flour, 2 eggs, 300ml milk - easy as 1(00g), 2, 3(00ml) ?!


🥣 Cook some ahead of time, so if one child wants to cook and flip, you can let the other eat one already prepped! (A friend gave me this tip - before I used to let the kids make ALL of them, it took ages, the crepes were all torn/broken, there were fights and now I hope today's making will be calmer!)

🤬 I'm going to resist the urge to tell them they've eaten enough and as I sometimes do on occasions like these, let them discover what feels good/not so good in their bodies. To trust them to eat until they are satisfied. To not restrict their consumption or demonise certain food as counterintuitively, it can actually have the opposite effect and they crave it even more! Treat it as an experiment if that helps. 

🤗 Pancake Day is meant to be fun after all and food is not always about nutrition, but connection too! Let's enjoy ourselves and role model what happy eating looks like.

Are you having pancakes for tea today? 

BBC Good Food Easy Pancake Recipe

Grace WillisComment