There's More To Life Than Veg!

As a nation, we have become obsessed with how much veg we need to ‘get down’ our kids, it has now sadly become a ‘thing’. A ‘thing’ that our kids can surely pick up on, so what I propose is this:

- Let’s focus on family time, coming together and talking about the day, not about the food

- Let’s not get too worried if our kids don’t ‘eat the rainbow’, it is counterproductive, so let’s give ourselves (and our kids) a break

- Let’s remind ourselves that the majority of kids in this country rarely suffer from malnutrition as so much food is now fortified with vitamins and minerals (cereals and bread for example) 

- Let’s still keep offering vegetables regularly but not beat ourselves up if they don’t eat it at every meal. A child just seeing vegetables on their plate is all still great exposure

Then, and only then, the veggies will come 🤗 🥕 

Does reading this help you take a deep breath about your next mealtime?

Grace Willis